Thursday, June 01, 2006
When Animals Attack!!!
(In memory of C-Los and the Sheep Incident)
Living in this condo is going to be fun.
The other night, I was randomly looking behind the toilet at the plunger, when I saw what I thought was the world's largest spider leg. My heart started racing. But I was brave. I moved the plunger. It was not the world's largest spider leg. It was, in fact, a mouse tail. Attached to a dead mouse. Yum! Although, a dead mouse is much more acceptable to me than the world's largest spider leg, presumably attached to the world's largest spider. This would require a move on our part. To a different house. Seriously.
Today, while (kind of) enjoying my lunch, Garfield comes racing in to the kitchen. We had a bird. In our kitchen. It was still alive, but it wouldn't be much longer if Garfield had anything to say about it. Then Zoe comes racing into the fray after the poor thing starts scream-chirping. I finally managed to gather it in a dishtowel, after which both of the animals who were attacking it promptly lost interest. I took the bird outside and released it (after a frantic phone call to my dad). But. I don't know how long that bird was in here. If I find bird poo, I am hunting it down. I saw which direction it flew in, so it shouldn't be too hard to find it. Right?
Also, this place is so full of spiders that I feel I have no choice but to get over my fear and try to work with them. Most of the time it has been okay, but occassionally I have had to call in the troops to exterminate what looked to be a particularly vicious spider.
Oh, and dad? I was reading about the Brown Recluse spider, and they said that those spiders can live for something like 4 years. Ewwwww.
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