Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Method 2 My Madness

Okay. So you know how I promised y'all pictures from Australia? And I didn't deliver?

Well, I have what I feel to be a legitimate reason why said pictures have not been posted.

My computer has almost no memory left. Seriously. Hubby and I are going to take the plunge and buy a new PC sometime in April. Which isn't that far away if you really think about it.

But right now I live in fear that any little thing that I add to the computer will send it lurching over the edge into crash-dom. And I know, I just know, that I will lose everything on the computer at that point. An idea that is too scary to contemplate in all of its lurid details.

But because I am already contemplating it: iTunes gone. Current pictures gone. Random college papers gone. (Not too broken up over that last one.)

So, I just wanted to let you know that it is not just because I am too lazy to jump through the hoops of posting pictures on Blogger. Being lazy is only part of the problem.

And to give you something to tide you over until April:

Yay yay yay! Here goes!

This is the one where I tell you about my past failures in finding the perfect lipstick. But stay tuned! I have a super duper surprise waiting for you at the end!

NARS Lip Gloss
I purchased this in my quest for a lip stain. This is not a lip stain. I just found that out. But I won't go into that here. The color that I used is Talitha. The color is just okay on me. I definitely felt like I had trout-mouth. I honestly do not remember what kind of consistency it had, but I won't let that stop me from grading it!
Grade: C. I have definitely used better. (And cheaper!)

Stila Lip Glaze
I purchased this in Starfruit. I like this product a lot, but not because of what it did for my lips. It has the coolest applicator ever! You twist the bottom of the stick to get some of the gloss out of the tube, and it comes up through this little paintbrush thingy. Then you paint your lips! Literally! The texture is slightly sticky, and I felt like I had to reapply all the time.
Grade: B+. Gotta give it props for its cool packaging!

MAC Lip Pencil
This next try was really recent, and I can't say that I really gave it a fair shot. I presented my lipstick problem to my hair-guy because he used to teach a make-up class. He recommended that I try filling in my lips with a lip pencil and then using my gloss of choice over that. I seriously only tried it twice, and then I left it for good. Not because of any ill-effects from using a lip pencil. Anyway, this is more of an FYI, because I am not going to grade it. I purchased a lip pencil from MAC and the color is Half-Red. So now you know.

And now ladies.....
(I assume any gentlemen readers have gone somewhere else long ago.)
The best news ever ever ever!
I found it! The perfect lipstick! For me! Woooooooo hoooooooo!
Now, just to reassure you, this doesn't mean that I will stop looking at others. I am not faithful when it comes to my lips. I will always have some of this on me, (God willing, and manufacturer willing) (oh please oh please do not let me have found this just to have them discontinue it!!!!)
So there will probably be more lip reviews in the future. Because, you know, lip stuff is fun!

Here it is!

Max Factor Colour Perfection
It is wonderful! I am using Chenille. The color is perfect for me because it is almost the same shade as my lips, so it looks really natural! The consistency is great! It only dries my lips out the teeny-tiniest bit! I definitely struck gold with this one!
Grade: A+. I love it! Perfect perfect perfect!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I Come From A Land Down Under

I'm back! :(

Australia was incredible! Oh my gosh. I don't even know where to begin. Probably with the fact that it is now 2:13a.m. and I should go to bed to try to alleviate this jet lag. Nah.

Okay, I have figured out how to keep this post nice and short.

Here are the yucky things that happened to me in Australia:
1. I got a bizarrely random sunburn our first day out on the beach. Yes, I applied sunscreen. No, I cannot explain why I ended up looking like a mixed up jig-saw puzzle of the Japanese flag. (You know, red and white?)
2. I got stung by a Blue Bottle, a type of Portugese Man-of-War. I still have the marks beside my knee from where it happened.
3. C-Los abandoned me on the beach because she was so embarrassed by my wailing and carrying-on over the sting.
4. I randomly cut the top of one of my knuckles and bled all over. I did it with my carry-on bag. My only explanation for this is: My carry-on hated me because I overpacked it, and was seeking revenge.
5. Went on nature walk. At 6:00 a.m.
6. Randomly started bleeding out my foot during nature walk. I suppose it was due to some sort of nature attacking me. I don't want to think too deeply about it. There were some really nasty bugs that we encountered on the walk. *creepy*
7. The ocean got fresh with me by pulling down the top of my swimsuit. As I was frantically trying to put everything back together, the ocean decided to take me for a drag. I think it was mad that I refused it's request to remain topless.

My next post will be about how awesome Australia was. I will also have pictures! Yay yay!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Who Wants Baby Corn?

I am now eating my salad from the salad bar at the grocery store. It is fabulous. The ingredients for my salad are thus:
Non-nutritive lettuce.
Non-non-fat ranch dressing. (Fully leaded for those confused by the double negative, like me.)
Hard boiled egg pieces.
Those chinese noodle-y things. I forget what they are called.
Sunflower seeds.
Pine nuts. (I think. They taste good anyway.)
Bacon bits.
Shredded cheese.
Chick peas.

And then, in side compartments, I have 2 hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, and four baby corns. (Four pieces of baby corn?)

I remember my first experience with baby corn quite clearly. It happened when I was in elementary school. I love my elementary school quirks. We had a Thanksgiving feast in class, and everyone was supposed to bring in a Thanksgiving dish. One kid brought in baby corn. I remember looking at it and falling in love with it. It was so cute! I also remember my initial confusion over how to eat the stuff. Once I figured that out, I had to get over the weird taste of it. Even though I didn't particularly enjoy the taste of it, I made up my mind to love it. Because it was so cute! And so, to this day, I eat baby corn every once in a while. And while I still don't particularly enjoy the taste, I eat it because it is so cute!

(And because it wards off scurvy.)

Posting Again!

Twice! In the same day! By special request! Apparently, I have one person who checks my blog more than once a day. Which is more than I can say for me. Lately, I have been lucky to check it every few weeks.

So, Britney, (I totally spelled her name wrong on purpose) this one's for you! (I am so getting a phone call for this.)

I am going to Australia. In a few days. Seriously. On Monday I leave. I know that somewhere way deep down inside, I am excited as all get out. But right now, it's raining outside, and I have no energy to do the million little things I must do before I leave. Yeah, I am not even looking forward to my hair appointment on Friday, because that is going to interfere with good nap time.

Every time I go on a trip I turn into a hermit in the days leading up to it. So it gets seriously annoying that all these people want to see me before I go, in case I die or something. But that really interferes with time at my house, by myself. My close friends are aware of this syndrome, because when they have managed to drag me out of the house I have turned their life into a living hell. So they usually just call and say "have a nice trip!"

I am this way because of conferences. Being gone for most of the week, sleeping in random hotels, and generally missing my house makes me cling to it while I can.

So, to come full circle: I am excited about Australia, but I am not excited about the things that I will have to do to prepare for Australia, because it will force me to leave the house. I have also seriously thought about buying everything on-line and having it delivered, but I have waited so long to do it that it would cost more money than I have to get it here. Wah! Why doesn't the internet cater to procrastinators? Surely I am not the only one in the world who would benefit from this.

Well, I have to go now. This post was going to be more than a pointless diatribe to try to get everyone else to stop being so lazy so that I can be even lazier, but I have run out of energy to see it through. Wah.

(Mad props to Mrs. America for the reminder that "wah" is fun to use while posting.)

It's About Time!

I know. Seriously. I haven't posted in ages. I almost forgot how!

But before we get to the meat of it: I just want you to know that I just got back from the grocery store. I hit up the salad bar hardcore. And now I am eating as I post. But am I eating my semi-healthy yummy salad? Nooooooo. It's in the fridge. Right now I am eating Cheddar Nacho Cheez-Its, with the plan of firing up a bag of Double Stuf Peanut Butter Creme Oreos. I got the salad thinking that is has been a long time since I have had fresh vegetables. I don't know how long it takes to get scurvy. But I figure I have at least a couple of hours before it sets in.

Anywho. It really has been so long since I have posted. I have this awesome story that I am going to tell, but I am taking this time to regroup and get back into posting mode.

Okay. Ready? C-Los gave me a ticket to the David Gray concert for my birthday. (Did I complain already about her going to see Coldplay on my birthday?) The concert was Monday at the Murat, which is a really nice place to have a concert. The ticket did not indicate that there would be an opening act, and the marquee didn't either. So we go in, sit down, and the concert starts.

There was an opening band. You will not believe who it was. AQUALUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost peed my pants. There was a bad moment when the lead singer said something about this being their last song and they are thinking about putting it on their new album. I almost cried because, hello?, Brighter Than Sunshine! You cannot possibly leave the stage without making me so super happy. It would take so little! Just play Brighter Than Sunshine and then you can go and you won't have to worry about me flipping out and running down the aisle and throwing myself on the stage and trying to make my cell phone look like a gun because, yes, I totally will hold you at gunpoint until you play the song and OH! Thank God! You're playing it! I think C-Los has bruises on her arms from where I almost squeezed the life out of her with multiple hugs.

David Gray was pretty awesome too!


b.o.b.:b.o.b. presents the adventures of bobby ray
Containing this year's summer song: nothin' but you.

gorillaz:plastic beach
It's gorillaz. Need I say more?


Books of Booky Past: these are books that I have recently (or not so recently) read, and recommend.

the plain truth: jodi picoult
This book provided a wealth of information about the Amish community. It was wonderful.

the time traveler's wife: audrey niffenegger (sp?)
This book is like the movie Serendipity. Wow! the first time around, still pretty great for consequent readings.

Present Booky Books: do I really need to explain what this is?

dragon haven: robin hobb
Yeah, it's fantasy. So is Edward Cullen.

Books of the Future: Oooooo!



Every guilty pleasure song brought back to you! (Plus dancing!)

so you think you can dance
Nah nah nah nah so you think you can dance dance dance dance. Put me on the hot tamale train!

the office
Ah Steve Carrell.

10 things i hate about you
I love this movie. Plus, what's not to like about Julia Stiles?


mean girls
Okay, I know, I know. Lindsay Lohan is a skank. But she wasn't when this movie came out. At least not in public.

drop dead gorgeous
This movie is absolutely hysterical.